Transformers Live Action Movie Blog

Transformers News

Friday, March 20, 2009


I turned in a project that was due today. We had like 5 weeks to work on it i suppose. I am just guessing. And I started working on it like around 9pm. (im guessing again) I took an hour nap. Then worked on it all morning. Finished just as class started. But had to make two trips to my dorm since my pieces were life size.

I did a performance art thing for my communicating design assignment. The teacher loved it. I did costume change aswell.

He implied that he would have loved to enter my piece into the Best of Ringling Core classes, but my artwork was too big, and I would have had to stay with my artwork since I was practically a part of it.

So thats a nice boost to my ego of sorts. I'm sleepy. And tired.

Still researching my options. Researching, researching. Thinking thinking.

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