Transformers Live Action Movie Blog

Transformers News

Monday, March 24, 2008

Finished Psychological SP

Okay, if you look at it closely, I'm sure you'll come to the conclusion that EVERYTHING WAS SADLY DONE. lol! I Totally regret working on this sorta last minute. I drew the portrait way ahead of time, but I didn't actually finish till 5 minutes before class. If anything, I'm really ashamed at how the hands came out. So please....don't stare at their hideous hands. lol. Anyways....I basically spilled all that about the drawing/painting, just so I could give a reason to why the hands look so bad (and any other grotesque formations you notice). X3

And so goes a potentially good drawing down the procrasination toilet drain... *fwaps self* I know, no excuse... And I gotta keep reminding myself about that for Ringling. >.< It's senioritis all over again!!!

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